Mark Anthony Studio - Online Drawing Atelier - Traditional Classical Drawing Courses Classes Workshops Fundamentals - Portrait Drawing - Figure Drawing - Anatomy - Sculpture - Master Copy - Bargue - Perspective - Composition
Mark Anthony Studio - Online Drawing Atelier - Traditional Classical Drawing Courses Classes Workshops Fundamentals - Portrait Drawing - Figure Drawing - Anatomy - Sculpture - Master Copy - Bargue - Perspective - Composition

Classical Sculpture Drawing


Classical Greece turned the art world on it’s head in during the renaissance period as sculptural discoveries were unearthed and explored. The Greek ideals celebrated an awakening to the beautiful realities of the physical natural world around us. This quest for beauty lit a fire that burns to this day and is the underpinning of the passion of realist art.

I am amazed to see the tireless indulgence into the meticulous precision represented in these inspiring manually constructed sculptural works. They often surpass reality in terms of perfection and poetic expression. Great artists, apprentices, sculptors, painters, draftsmen, poets . . . you name it . . . designed their creative works around a foundational appreciation of these fantastic works. And, today, artists, young and old, build their definitions of ideal understanding accordingly.


Mark Anthony Studio - Online Drawing Atelier - Traditional Classical Drawing Courses Classes Workshops Fundamentals - Portrait Drawing - Figure Drawing - Anatomy - Sculpture - Master Copy - Bargue - Perspective - Composition

White marble, or white plaster, offers the artist a limitless study in the reaction of light to abstract natural forms without the distraction of local color. That being the case, the student can use the same ideal form for a fresh study by simply reshaping the light that bathes its surfaces. Couple that with a good look at ideal measurements, anatomical structure, and surface detail, and you have a lifelong privilege to explore the root disciplines of life drawing.

To augment the pleasure of this great study is the acknowledgment we give to great unsung heroes of artistic achievement. Names like Falconet, Allegrain, Coustou, Coysevox, Pajou, Puget, and so on, begin to ring like kitchen table talk as you acquaint yourself intimately with their touch of artistic perfection. Sculpture drawing means much more than drawing. It is as historical as it is artistic.

Join our old world traditional European studio. Our atelier program fills your exposure to sculpture drawing each month with an enjoyable journey into understanding light, edges and form and technical expression.

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